One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Beautiful but...

I'm feeling frustrated!! I do understand that with the economy so tight jobs are key. The oil spill has endangered jobs and lives. How do we arrive at a solution that honors all beings! Removing the ban on drilling can open up some jobs.. what cost to Mother Earth? BP admitted that they never had a plan because they never thought what happened could/would happen. With all that the oil spill has endangered and killed it seems more important than ever to seriously consider the consequences of our actions? We as a human family still seem to be in a place where Mother Earth and all creatures are seen as beautiful and precious but expendable as needed. How do we help each other to see that a vibrant and healthy Mother Earth means health and vitality for all...!!! The steps we take to heal and protect our soil, water and air.. are steps toward long term benefit for generations to come! Does that mean that we will have to make changes in our long held life patterns? Yes.. but don't the benefits far out way the cost of change? As we work hard to "benefit our families" lets address one major benefit we tend to want to ignore.. In caring for Mother Earth.. in little ways and large we are increasing the health and vibrancy of our families for today and for generations. What greater gift can we give? Mother Earth is far more than Beautiful but....!

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