One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, March 1, 2010

What is happening?

With two devastating earthquakes and some very powerful winter storms affecting our world family within a relatively short period of time I'm wondering what is this all about, why is this happening? I do not have definite answers, just more questions. Do these storms and changes have anything to do with the long term pollution of our waters and our soils? Do we even choose to acknowledge that there is and has been a heavy pollution of our waters and our soils? Strip mining has laid the earth bare and we wonder why there are more mud slides? The reality of water pollution was made very real for me in a story last year of possible remnants from a plane crash being found in the ocean. A large wooden platform was found and was believed to have come from the missing plane. A reporter stated, "No it was not from the plane it was just a piece of garbage." "Just a piece of garbage!" I was thinking, when did our oceans become "garbage dumps"? The analogy I've been using to try and sort this all out for myself is in relation to our human bodies. If I as a human being continue to eat and live in a way that is dangerous to my health, do I not have to take the responsibility for my choices and long term habits? If nothing changes, NOTHING CHANGES. So too, if we as members of the human family choose to pollute and destroy waters and soils in the name of growth and development, do we not have to take responsibility for our part in such actions and their impact on Mother Earth as a whole? Chief Seattle reminded us many years ago that "What we do to Mother Earth we do to ourselves." By living in Harmony with all of Creation, Life can become beautiful and vibrant for ALL!!

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