One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Truth is..

Several people have commented on the beautiful pictures and the beauty of the slide presentation on my blog. They are indeed beautiful but they were not taken by me. The slide presentation was made available as part of setting up the blog here on Blogspot and the current pictures that you see with my writings have come from the Internet.
I do have some of my own pictures to share and will do so soon. I am in the process of moving from using film to digital and its taking me a while to adjust.
Thank you for your appreciation of the beauty that you see.. I am grateful and at the same time do not want to take credit for what is not truly mine. I give thanks for all the wonderful sites that allow us to share their wonderful photos and applications.
I will definitely let you know when my photos and perhaps a slide show arrive!
Until then, enjoy what is here and even more so.. walk a little slower as you go out today and take note of the colors and patterns in the sky and all around you.

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