One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Look Closely...

In case you haven't noticed I love the picture of this little Otter! The Otter looks like she/he is about to ask me a question. So I'll do it instead. What could I do today that would add a little bit of fun as I go about doing the routine things?
Remember as kids when we made up games as we were in the car going from school to home to shop to get ice cream? Checking out the different places named on license plates.. The first one to see the color blue as we drove... How many Red Chevrolets can we find between now and our destination?
I can be too serious at times and need to do something just for fun.. so today.. I'm going to count all the different colors that I see as I go about? In the sky, the pavement, the soil, the grasses... particularly on the routes I take on a regular basis.
Have you ever had the experience of traveling a route over and over again thinking you know it well only to notice one day something that you never saw before? Maybe it is brand new.. and maybe its been there all the time and never been seen.
By the way..Different shades of one color can count as a new color! .. and Have FUN!

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