One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Life..

Lots of thoughts swirling in my head this week! Oil rig explosions, oil spills, tornadoes, death.. Our Family is in a lot of pain!! I needed some "Good News" and I found it by reading "Easter Moments" by Joyce Rupp on the National Catholic Reporter home page this morning. In the midst of so much pain and uncertainty she encourages us to look for the "Easter Moments" in our lives. Those moments that bring Joy and New Life.. This picture of Tree was an Easter Moment for me. I find renewed strength in Tree's expansive and deep roots and rekindled hope in the sprouting of new life within those roots. Thank you Joyce and Thank you Tree and plants for sharing your gifts with me today. They are just what I needed. Now I'm going to make myself a "smoothie" and enjoy another Easter Moment as I drink in its delicious fruits and flavors!!

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