One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm so sorry...

Say hello to Mother Manatee and her family! I had never seen Manatee until I went to Florida. Manatees are noted for their ability to clean the waters in which they swim! When Manatee and I met, she/he was swimming in a large indoor tank recuperating from a large sliced cut down her back. The cut was the result of a boat having driven over her. I was shocked at such insensitivity! I wanted us to think about Manatee today as we ponder the pain being inflicted on all Life due to the oil spill caused by the explosion on an oil rig. A spill that keeps growing larger and larger in scope and impact as more information is shared. I'm so sorry Manatee for your pain and the pain of all creatures because of the lack of awareness and sensitivity by your human kin. Hopefully we humans will choose to recognize the impact of our actions on the rest of our family and choose to make decisions focused on the good of ALL Life rather than profit margins.

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