One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Dear Orange Blossom,

I love your round fullness, brilliant color and numerous wavy petals.
You look like you are standing alone
 yet the background of leaves and branches, 
reminds me that you are strongly supported.

Going it alone is a big deal in our culture,
and often times we may feel alone;
 yet if we are willing to open our eyes to see
we will recognize the gift of the many who  
journey with us, empowering us to become
the fullness of who we are.

Thank you to sun and wind, water, and soil in all your many forms,
and all those who work to nourish Mother Earth in healthy
and sustainable ways.
Thank you to farmers, and growers whose hard daily work can so easily go unnoticed.
 Thank you to all who pick the vegetables, fruits and flowers that feed us and nourish us.
Thank you to all who prepare the foods and transport them across the land 
and across the waters.

Take some time today, to remember as well, those in your particular 
life journey, visible and invisible
who strongly support you. 

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