One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tell me your story...

Our stories are etched
in our very being..
 we are more willing to read
than others.
I've learned over the years
that opening the pages
of the stories
 I have slammed shut
can be a blessing.

It doesn't change what happened..
yet it could change
my perspective...
my understanding....
my attitude...
Regarding the experiences
and all those involved...
I am willing
open up...
re read...
see with new eyes...
and yes,
offer forgiveness...!
a forgiveness
that frees my heart
from the pain
caused by another...

In looking at our
"closed door "
 I have come to see
that I know best
only my part
of the story...
 I don't know
and have not wanted
to know
the real story...
or the full story...
for other participants...

Coming to know
and understand
does not
deny the pain
or take away
it can and does
bring freedom
Thank you dear tree
for helping us
 to better understand
our stories!

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