One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

All legs...and more...
As this precious baby giraffe ponders his/her next move I am reminded of how all of us face the challenge of  new possibilities in our lives!  There is uncertainty and yet excitement!  What will happen when I learn to stand up?   My perspective will change and change again as I grow taller and more mature!

Remember what it was like when you tried something for the first time?  We do seem "all legs",  as we  figure out just what the next move is and then... risk taking it!! 

I was initially referring to giraffe and yet, for all Life forms, growth is a challenge to newness. Giraffes, humans, blades of grass, carrots, we all have to be willing to take the risk of growing, changing and being willing to see things differently as we do so.

The next time you feel "all legs" with something new in your life, just remember giraffe and know that you are  not alone in this journey. Know that your next step like his can bring a whole new awareness...when you are  willing to make the move!

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