One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, April 11, 2011

Do we see ourselves?
My heart goes out to our sisters and brothers in Japan..human and non human!  What a challenge they are all facing in so many areas.  The nuclear threat is deep and expansive...Their lives are no longer the same as they are in a whole new life experience.

All reports from Japan speak of a people that are reaching out to one another and providing for one another.
I read of folks who now have access to water in their homes, putting signs up to let their neighbors know that they can come and get the water they need. 

I ask myself...would I be as generous? As open? I would hope that I would be...

Our sisters and brothers are vulnerable alone...yet strong together!  Thank you dear family for showing us the best of yourselves in a very difficult situation.  May we take to heart the lessons you are teaching us.

At a time such as this...all I can pray is. Love, I don't understand...BUT I trust your Love...You have the bigger picture that I can not see at this time. May my love and care wrap our sisters and brothers in the strength of that love and give them peace and hope.

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