One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, March 27, 2011

We share space..

There was a recent discussion about the increase of Coyotes present in Rhode Island and a concern for pets and young people playing out doors.   I understand the genuine concern, however, I think what also needs to be addressed is the fact that the increase in Coyote presence stems from the destruction of Coyote's habitat.

When each of us has our space and that space is honored and respected fear of each other's presence can be greatly lessened.As we destroy forests in order to build...we are destroying Coyote's home. AtoZ animals named humans as the first predator of Coyote followed by bears and wolves.

Can you look into the eyes of this beautiful being and tell him/her that they have no right to exist...that we as humans are more important? The gifts of ALL beings are needed to keep the Web of Life vibrant and healthy. What could we do that would honor the needs of both Coyote and human here in Rhode Island?

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