One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Alone AND Together...

Thank you for the beautiful light within the darkness. As I was taking in today's news from around our precious Mother Earth, I had to be reminded to take one day at a in the the Love that you are to all you encounter..and keep trusting  God's Love.
When I took some time for quiet and prayer and had a written conversation with Luv, the above is what I received.
My concern is that we will slip into an "us" and "them" view of things. We're not in Japan so we don't have to worry!  We have to take care of us. I truly believe that Mother Earth is trying to show us that we are One Family.  We are in challenging times and we need each other. The gifts and talents of all our sisters and brothers, SHARED, will move us forward and help us to grow.

Let's reconnect with  family, neighbors, our community and share with them what we can as needed.
When I was in El Salvador with a group visiting our "Sister Parish", we came to a walking bridge with narrow planks and large spaces in between. Below was a polluted river!  The bridge connected the two parts of the parish that we were visiting. 

I have Cerebral Palsy and balance can be a problem. I wanted to follow the group but was not sure of my ability to cross over the wide spaces! Two members of the group offered their assistance, each one taking an arm. Together we safely crossed to the other side of the bridge.  I have never forgotten that day as I learned a powerful lesson. What I can't do ALONE... We can do TOGETHER!

As I was about to close this post I was gently reminded that the sunset above, would not be as beautiful without the llight and the dark.. alone...and together!! 

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