One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It broke my heart to read in an Associated Press article on Yahoo that over 1,000 Red Winged Blackbirds fell from the sky in Beebe Arkansas. Bird deaths began being reported at 11:30 on New Years Eve.  When I looked at the story again today the numbers had risen to 2,000.

The news report said "officials speculated that fireworks set off by New Years revelers could have startled the birds from their roost and caused them to die of stress."  I don't know what to believe.. I just pray that  our hearts be touched so that we search out the real reason and do something about it.

If we were to read of the death of 2,000 humans in an unexplained manner, I don't think the story would be left so quickly and there would be a strong outcry for answers!

I am so sorry dear Red Winged Blackbird for the death of so many of your family members. Help us to seek the truth about those deaths and to be accountable!

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