One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Total Giving..

At one of the rituals, on a recent retreat, each of the participants was given a sea shell! I was intrigued by the pattern of grooved lines over the face of the shell and the mother of pearl glaze within it. When I looked up sea shells on line I discovered that I had the shell of a Clam. What a beautiful home.. for a small creature that gives his life to us to be enjoyed most often during the summer months! Clam chowder...fried clams.. Yum. Thank you dear clam; you not only give your life for us, but you leave your home as well. Your shell is fragile in appearance yet strong! Ribbed and layered on the outside yet flat and smooth within. A shell.. seemingly small and insignificant.. one among so many..and yet.. so much more! Thank you clam for the gift of your shell which reminds us that, beauty and intricate design is not limited to the biggest and the best.. but is the gift of all! Thank you, clam; for your body as food to nourish our own bodies, and the gift of your home, that enables us to see and touch the artistry of the Source of Life.

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