One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, June 14, 2010

I just got back from an amazing and wonderful Emmaus Retreat experience! As part of the Retreat team along with 13 participants we walked the Road to Emmaus sharing our lives and our life stories. You would not believe the Joy as well as the Pain that was shared by all those present. On Friday, we just barely knew each other, by Sunday evening we were truly family. The openness and honesty of all participants brought healing and beginnings of healing to all present. The diversity of lived experiences was a gift and helped us to see that we were all uniquely the same and at the same time uniquely different. Laughter came often and tears of release flowed. If you want a life changing experience.. check out Emmaus Retreats, Freetown, MA.!! I came home drained and tired and deeply enriched and humbled by the ups and downs in the lives of all those who were present. What an incredible transformation from Friday to Sunday. Friday, folks came in tired, anxious, uncertain and burdened, and by Sunday in spite of being tired, all faces glowed with renewed life and hope. The Emmaus Retreat format offers shared experiences, sacred rituals, and the opportunity to hear the stories of others as well as sharing one's own. Through out this sharing process, the compassionate love of our God flows and the knowledge and wisdom of the Holy Spirit is uniquely manifested. I am blessed to have participated and am so grateful to all those who walked with me on this Amazing Emmaus Journey!! Thank you dear butterfly for this opportunity to move from the quiet and dark of the chrysalis to the wings of new life.

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