One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, February 4, 2010

All or Nothing is a pain in the neck!!

Hello and welcome.. this week has had me swinging between "doing more" for Mother Earth and feeling that I'm "not doing enough"!! This was triggered when I was made aware that, with all my words about love of Mother Earth, I wasn't even recycling paper! I was using to much plastic and using too much water....! This spiral of not doing was a royal pain in the neck, as I know in my head I can not do everything, but my ego says "Yes you must if you really mean what you say. The fear is, if I can not do everything, will I give in to the worst case scenario and do absolutely nothing!!! What I realized; and I have to say I am aware of my doing it.. not happy with it, but aware; my choices are not limited to "all or nothing". That's a limit I place on myself and I get stuck there. Soooo I begin again, with the choice to do what I can as best I can WITHOUT GUILT! I chose to recycle the paper that comes into my home, mail, adds and catalogue's; and the paper that I use in my home, computer papers of all kinds, cardboard and envelopes. We hear often, "take one step at a time", yet, in our culture one step is not enough and far to slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww! However, for me.. One step at a time makes a lot of sense and slow allows for a fuller awareness of what I am doing. It makes sense.. now I have to choose to be aware and Act. and in addition, I will do it with Joy.. Make it fun.. and try not to take myself so seriously!

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