One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Objects no longer...

WELCOME..I never realized I viewed myself as object until I struggled with trying to name who I am. Instead of addressing myself as person, I was seeing myself through roles, duties and actions. I am a teacher, I am a twin, I am an Aunt, friend, sponsor, writer, photographer etc. All good..Yes.. but not who I am in essence.. the person.. Have you ever heard yourself say either within or out loud, "Am I only valued for what I do?" I had focused for so long on my "doing" I had totally neglected my "Being". I am a human being named Assunta.. Ah hello Assunta.. I want to get to know you better and appreciate you for YOU!!! I wonder if Mother Earth would like to pose to us the very same question. Am I only valued for what I do? Give.. meat, fish, water, soil, minerals, plants, oil, stone...for the needs of all humans.. Give Give Give.. What About Me?? All that Mother Earth Gives..Why are these gifts not valued for themselves? As they are? Are we willing to get to know the more of a "TREE" than toilet paper, fire wood and building material? All of us want to be known, loved and appreciated for who and what we are... Let us choose to see our family of Life as objects no longer..

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