One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Simple is not always easy!!

Hi and welcome back... What can be considered a simple but not so easy challenge in our journey to love and respect Mother Earth? For me it began with trying not to waste... so it meant using every bit of toothpaste I could squeeze out of the tube!! Easy and yet I was so impatient...there's only a little more.. throw it away..... NO use it!!! And then.. after reading the article "Former refugee recycles US hotel soap for Uganda" another challenge.. Living on a dollar a day, soap was considered a luxury rather than a necessity for many in Uganda. Thus, lack of soap also became a health issue. And me... sad to say I'd use my bar of soap until it was small and then throw it away and open a new bar. It had become a well ingrained habit. After all... they are just little pieces, come on... that doesn't make any difference.. Right? Wrong.. The author of the above article collected all the "little bits" and melted them down in order to make new full size bars of soap which he sent back home. (According to the article, several Hotels now give the author their soap bits.) "a little bit.. does matter". Soooooooo I choose to use my soap until there is no more. I have to say I was amazed at how far a "little bit" of soap could go. Two simple challenges that reminded me of an older generation who would not think of "wasting toothpaste or soap". How did I get so far off track. I am realizing that I have taken too many so called "little things" for granted. My waste, makes a difference. Do I want it to be positive for our world family or negative? I choose positive.. and you? Enjoy your day and see the little things with new eyes!!

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