One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, January 22, 2010

Rediscovering the beauty of Detail, Texture and Light..

Welcome...and thank you for coming! Rediscovering the beauty of detail, texture and light came with "playing with my camera" when taking pictures. On my deck I had a barrel with Geraniums blooming and I decided to zoom in on the flowers and petals! What incredible beauty I found.. the detail of lines and leaves showed each and every petal to be as unique and individual as human beings are unique and individual! Wow.. As for texture.. well, I love the beach and we have a beautiful beach here called "Surfers Beach". I love to go and just sit in my car with a cup of coffee and look at the sand, waves, and surfers as thy enjoy each other. Well, in the late afternoon on one summer day, with no surfers present, I took a picture that I hoped would capture the shadows on the sand and the dancing light on the water! When the film was developed I got an additional surprise, in that the sand had a color and texture that I really had not noticed before. Sand was sand.. Right! I usually didn't even see "texture" in my pictures but this beach photo made me aware in a gentle but concrete way of the gift that texture brings. The sand was more "real" and had a beauty of its own...So often I find that when I take photos, I always get more than I expect!! Talk about shedding new light on the gifts of Earth that we take for granted... and speaking of light.. my home gets the late afternoon sun and I have become more and more amazed at the "golden tone" the light has as it streams through the slider windows and blinds, and dances delightfully on the walls, carpet and furniture!! This always puts a smile on my face. Detail, Light and Texture who would ever think that they were such hidden treasures. Enjoy your day and I hope you too will rediscover the beauty of detail, texture and light..!!!

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