One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Dear Golden Light..

Your bold shades on the rocks caught my attention.
You helped me to see the golden richness
present within your darker colors.

Your light gives a deeper and wider perspective
of the rocks, in their shape, depth and beauty.
Your light helps me to see the more
that I would not see without your help.

Light offers a change in perspective
if I am willing to see.
What a gift you give.

How often we use the expression
"we need a little more light on the subject"!!
That light can come from many different sources,
all sharing their own light and perspective.

Too often I can refuse to see.
I close my mind.
I adhere to what I know.

In so doing I/we, miss the possibility of seeing
The Golden Richness.

The Golden Richness of all persons,
The Golden Richness of all cultures,
The Golden Richness of Mother Earth
and all Beings, who so desire to share their light with us.

In opening ourselves
 to new perspectives, new understandings, new ideas and new opportunities,
we can come to see and know clearly
that we are One Family,
filled with light
sharing a deep sense of community.

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