One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, July 27, 2012

I finally get it....!
How often have we heard something said..
  we nod our heads in agreement
do we really take it in?
Today it's like I'm hearing something for the first time...
and yet I've heard it all my life...
What am I hearing...?
"God loves you with an unconditional love"!!
Today I'm like a little kid...
totally enjoying the fact
that God loves me so much...!
I keep singing in my heart...
"I love being loved by you"!
That's me talking to Luv...
and now I KNOW
Luv says the same thing back to me!!
"I love being loved by you"!.

Today...takes these words to heart
for yourself...
"God loves you with an unconditional love"

Remember too...
It's not just sometimes for that love..
its ALWAYS....!

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