One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, June 25, 2012

You call this Beautiful?

I found this Rose yesterday
and I ignored her..and
 chose another!
Something draws me back to her...!
She is so different..
So unusual...
This is not.. in my mind
a very flattering pose...
She looks tired..
She has given her all
and she no longer
has the freshness
she once did!
It would be all to easy
to dismiss her..
and yet I can't..
Look at the deep layers
of petals within her..
Oh how I wish she could tell me
her story...
She is beautiful...
in her giving...
in her determination to be
fully who she is..
in all the stages
of her life....

Is this not also true for us??
May I/We..
have the same beauty
and determination
to be
fully who we are
in all the stages of our lives!!

Thank you dear Rose
 for blessing me
 with your wisdom
even after I ignored you!

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