One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Listen...and I will speak...
Some may wonder why I use the phrase "listen..and I will speak.. " for this blog. I have learned that when I take the time to just be with a Being or the image of a Being..and let my heart and not my head interact..I am blessed with insights that touch my heart.

This is a gift for anyone who chooses to take the time and listen with your heart rather then your head.
One of the biggest gifts for me is the realization of how intelligent and wise all Beings are.  We may laugh and say..what can a rosebud teach me or share with me... come on.. its "only a flower".. its beautiful yes.. but Wise??  Intelligent??

Well lets ask rosebud to share her wisdom and see...What would you like us to know rosebud.. I am grateful for your wisdom... and now.. listening with my heart...I first want to say to rosebud.. I love your vibrant color and that you are growing in the midst of family.  We all need community to support our growth.. we may think we can do it alone.. but we need each other.

Speaking from my heart, I hear rosebud reminding me of the wonderful mystery that....her vibrant bud...contains "the fullness of her growth"!! All that she needs to blossom is already present within her...Wow!   Is that not true of our own process of growth as well!!

She reminds us as well, that the unfolding growth process is a natural process aided by other family members... sun, rain, and soil!!  To blossom fully takes time and can not be hurried.  This understanding is hard for our "instant" culture.
Within the secure and beautiful bulb of purple, she must choose to risk blossoming!  Just as the child in the womb must risk leaving that comfortable, known, place for the unknown in order to grow to her/his fullest. 

Thank you rosebud for showing us humans, how similar your growth process is to our very own. You also remind us that there are many factors that can  hamper growth...the lack of rain, sun and poor soil due to chemicals and other pollutants. How intimately we can affect each others lives!

And finally, you remind me of how grateful you are to be recognized, appreciated and respected by members of the human family.  For so long we have taken you and your family members for granted and never really came to know the gifts we can share with each other.

This time with rosebud is longer than I usually take on this blog, I go more in depth with different Beings on "Sharing with Mother Earth" .  This blog helps me to be in touch with the family members of the natural world and offer to readers a hint of their beauty, wisdom and humor!

I hope you have enjoyed the gift of rosebud and see her and yourself for the wonderful beings you are!

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