One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Me....? Like Porcupine?
I chuckled when I chose this photo of porcupine...
What does porcupine have to teach me?
As I thought about it...Porcupine's sharp quills, which
are used for protection, reminded me that
I have "sharp quills" of my own
and I don't always use them strictly for
When I am feeling "threatened"
I can choose to use sharp words, hurtful gestures
and painful actions in my defense...
like the sharp quills used by porcupine 
 they can cause long term "infection"
in the mind and heart of 
those attacked... unless or until...
I am willing to ask for forgiveness
and take the time
for honest and heart felt dialogue.
Thank you Porcupine for helping me to see
 just what
you can teach me if I am willing to listen and learn!   

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