One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Expression of Love...
Love is the strongest message of every spiritual tradition and every spiritual awakening.
Love is patient in a world of impatience, kind in a world of attack.
Let us express God: "God is Love and we who abide in love abide in God and God in us"

Love is where we live, where we abide, whether we are the 7th generation in our town
 or a newly-arrived refugee
Love is welcoming in a world of division, sharing in a world of greed.
Let us express God: "God is Love and we who abide in love abide in God and God in us"

Love is a better motivation than guilt, a better reason than obedience.
Love is forgiving in a world of punishment, redemptive in a world of blame.
Let us express God: "God is Love and we who abide in love abide in God and God in us"

Love is alive, organic, and growing.
Love is nurturing in a world of destruction, positive in a world of endangerment.
Let us express God: "God is Love and we who abide in love abide in God and God in us"

 - Eileen Brady rsm

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