One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, January 30, 2012

Way over my head!
The phrase that came to mind as I was pondering this photo was "I'm in way over my head"!  For me, that usually means that I'm involved in something that is totally new and beyond me.

In this situation with tree there is the literal meaning of "In over my head"  as well as a deeper newness. Tree does stretch way over my head!  At the same time, I am at a loss as to how to fully take in what I am seeing of this stately and elegant family member.

What is beyond me?  The strength and age of tree!  If tree could talk....what a wealth of information there would be from years of lived experience!; And I just realized that as tree grew and changed so did tree's perspective. Increased growth meant seeing things in a continually broadened fashion.
Sound a little familiar?  Do I allow my growth to widen and change my perspective?

Gazing upward, I take note of tree's broken places..Tree has not had an easy journey..and yet...the branches that have survived are strong and full..and green!

 Maybe I'm not as "in over my head" as to underestanding tree as I thought. Tree has shown me me that we share some strong common bonds...

Thank you tree, for opening my eyes  to see how alike we are.Thank you for your vulnerability in making clearly visible both the beauty and pain of the journey of life...
May I too, be willing to see the bigger I grow.
May I too be vulnerable enough to share the pain and beauty in my own life..
Together.... we are living...growing  and greening with new life. moment to moment
day by day.

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