One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Do we really care?

As I think about the upcoming elections, from my perspective, there is one voice, that is not being heard,.. the voice of Mother Earth. Her needs are not even raised or considered.. if anyone tries to do so, they are labeled as "alarmist"! 

I found hope in the fact that the people of Bolivia are in the process of passing a law that gives Mother Earth, rights and protection.  Her gifts are not to be taken for granted or exploited by power and greed.

Some may find that strange and at one point in my life I might have thought the same...but now.. I see how vital that perception is.  We humans have been given the gift of life and and through Mother Earth!  Sun, Air, Wind, Water, Soil...minerals, plants, have fed us, housed us, warmed and cooled us!
How is it that we don't seem to be able to take that in and see its vital reality?

How many times have we calmed our tired bodies and minds..just by gazing at the stars on a beautiful night?   Cooled off with a dip in a lake or wavy ocean?   Healed our sorrows by simply sitting still in a favorite spot in Nature? 

Her Beauty is cherished on the one hand while at the same time..."up for grabs" and "disposable " in meeting our ever expanding needs.  How many malls do we need?  Do we want to live without the beauty of Trees, plants, animals and waters?  

We can't keep taking and taking without consequences; knowing that we are disturbing and destroying an intricate web of life makes a difference.  Do we care?

My heart breaks... There are alternative solutions for clean air, wind and water, that are beneficial and healthy for our human needs and the needs of Mother Earth...yet greed and those in power shift our perspective and tell us that "the alternatives will cost too much...or we can "make our own genetically modified version".!!

What if we worked with Mother Earth...lived in a way that reflected our love, respect and awe of her many Gifts and vibrant Beauty?   The entire Family of Life would benefit.  We would have clear clean waters again...We would have nourishing rich soil that would produce ripe, rich tasting  fruits and vegetables and so much more.  Our care and love would reap mutual benefits.

If we really care let's make Mother Earth's voice heard!! 

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