One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The beauty in turbulence...
As I typed the above words I you really mean that?  And yet there is a part of me that can say yes...I can see the beauty in the frothy waves and churning green sea...can I see that same beauty in the turbulence of in a move from Rhode Island after 23 years... to New Hampshire???
Change is all around me...and yet as I grieve the loss and letting go...I can give profound thanks for all that was learned and shared here AND
Look forward to the more that is to come...having already been given glimpses of warm words of welcome home and generous outpourings of help and support in covering all the details of the move on both ends of the journey!

The degrees of turbulence can vary in their intensity and  the stomach quakes and fear churns..yet at those  times.. I can choose to close off and let fear paralyze me...or I can reach out and ask for help....choosing to gratefully acknowledge that I am not alone...In Faith and Love...Love walks with me...and puts people in my path...all I have to do is ask....and in so doing I truly see the beauty in the turbulence of life...! 

Thank you churning waters of life and beauty for helping me to see that there can be beauty in turbulence!!

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