One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, March 7, 2011

Just one...


I just got challenged by a story in the news of  a young teen who made a new years resolution to do one good deed per day.  What a wonderful way to spread positive energy, love and peace.

I am going to take up her challenge!  One good deed per day...starting TODAY!!   This is not intended to put one more thing on your " to do list"..but to have the opportunity to bring a little joy into each day.

They can be simple.. Holding a door open..letting some one cut in front of you in the supermarket..surprising some one you love with a hug...

If you'd like to join me...because there is support in numbers...
just hit "cool" in the comment section under this post and we'll see just how much delight we can pour into our days.

Remember just one...good deed a day! Yes, of course you can do more :)

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