One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Time to Enjoy...!

Loving ourselves by reducing stress does not have to be difficult. As a beginning take a few minutes and think about the following.  Give yourself at least 15 minutes for each .
What are my pleasures?  List them..
What do I like to do for play?  List these... and finally
What do I consider my passions...List those as well...

 Hopefully when you are finished you will find that your pleasures, passion and play are more easily implemented than you think.  Even if you just took one from the entire group and did it for one full month, that's a start.  Yes...dishes, laundry, and many things call us.  Come on one thing...for a half decide the time... .

Maybe you could do this as a family...and take a set day and a set time for each one to engage in one of their own pleasures, passions or play!

This exercise was given by Jeanette Bessinger as part of her "Enough is Enough"  Program , to help folks eat better and live life more fully.  When I did this the first time.. I could easily name most of my "three P's" as Jeannette called them..the challenge came when I asked myself: When is the last time you did any of these?  It had been a good while...I was caught up in work, and lots of "doing".  I /we can easily say..I haven't got time...and yet as the old saying goes... We make time for the things we really want and value! 

It's time to value ourselves and to know the gift of delight and enjoyment! 

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