One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, July 26, 2010


I couldn't resist this beautiful picture of another Blue Bird! I also wanted to share about something called the "Butterfly Affect" which I read about while I was on retreat and it touched me deeply. According to the "Butterfly Affect" the Web of Life is so deeply interconnected, that the simple stirring of a butterfly's wings is felt on the other side of the globe!! Think about that! Apply that to all of our thoughts, words and actions ...what power we have at our disposal!! This realization gave me a much deeper respect and appreciation of prayer. So often we might wonder if our prayers make a difference.. well.. If a gentle flap of a Butterfly's wings can make a difference on the other side of the globe then our prayers, thoughts and actions have that same capacity.. WE ARE CONNECTED THAT STRONGLY!! What support, care and healing we can offer to all the members of our Family.. near and far..! That is the reason for the addition of the candle to the blog.. to remind us that our actions of love, prayer, and healing are that far reaching and do make a difference.

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