One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thank you...and I am so sorry..!

Once again A-Z Animals has made me more aware of the life of a family member we know well and often take for granted, namely Chicken.
Chickens are very social and are happiest when surrounded by other chickens. Chickens are farmed for both eggs and meat. "Meat Chickens," will often only reach 3 months old before they are killed.
Intensive farming of chickens occurs around the world where "meat chickens" are force fed and packed in a shed with hundreds of thousands of other chickens, often with no space for the chickens to walk.
The conditions that intensively farmed chickens live in are utterly disgusting, which is why chicken lovers should spend a little more for organic or free range meat and eggs to ensure that Chickens have a good quality of life.
Chickens have given their lives to feed us in so many ways around the globe, often without our even thinking about them or saying thank you. Chickens are giving us their all, they deserve much more from us especially in how they are being raised and treated.
Let's remember to give thanks and to support only those farms that treat meat and egg chickens with care and respect.
Thank you dear Chicken for giving your life to feed us. I am so sorry that we have treated you and your family so badly for so long. I will support farmers that treat you with respect and love.

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