One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

For you...
May the gifts of 
Mother Earth
be yours 
in the new year.
May her Beauty bring you peace and joy...
May her diversity delight and inspire you...
May her strength and peace calm you..
May her nourishment keep you healthy and strong..
May her many creatures, warm your heart 
and put a smile on your face.
Happy New Year...

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Don't miss the light....

A friend shared a reflection on the words of  Spirit..
"Let there be light"...
How often I've read and heard those words...
and yet today
I have spent more time..
aware of Light...
The orange sky this morning at sunrise...
The golden sun hovering over the trees tonight
with dark clouds in the sky...
The gentle blue of the sky peeking through as the dark clouds 
began to move...
and even more
a deepening awareness of all those 
who have been 
and continue to be 
light in my life...
human and non human.
What better gift at Christmas
then to truly see the light
within us
and around us.
Thank you,
for your light,
enjoy seeing the light
Being the Light!!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A time of re-birth and re-connection....

photo:Victoria Battellrsm

May this Christmas Season
be a time of 
rebirth and re-connection.

A rebirth of and a deeper understanding of
 our Family Connection
to Mother Earth and all Beings

The gift of diversity and cultures 
as well as,
The gift of so many creatures
who give their lives daily,
that the rest of the family
can be nourished and fed.

May this deeper sense of FAMILY
help us to see all Beings
with renewed eyes
and an open heart.

May we come to know 
what a Gift we have 
as One Family.

It's time to re-connect and know
the mix and gifts
of our extended Family!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I want to say thank you...

photo:Green Grocer, Portsmouth, RI
I want to say Thank you
Dear Mother Earth
for all you give each day.

I want to send you my love
to support and strengthen you
as you deal with the choices
we in the human family make
without your life or needs in mind.

Keep me mindful of all that you give...
open my eyes anew
open my heart.
May I choose each day to love and strengthen 
as you love and strengthen me.

Simple words of thanks...
Simple words of love...
as I/We
see your beauty...
feel your sun, wind and rain....
touch your soil, plants, flowers and rocks.
Eat of your fruits and grains.
We are family...
We nourish and feed each other...
I want to say thank you..
Every day!
I love you.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

What is stopping you??
Sounds simple..
Do I really see the beauty all around me?
Do I hear the music of voices speaking,
children, family, friends?
birds singing...
wind blowing...
creatures talking...
elevators moving...
cars honking
and so much more???
Do I notice 
the color of the morning sky..
the colors in and of my home..
the colors in my meal...??
Do I feel the touch and kiss
of a loved one...
animal or human??
Let's begin to live
with more awareness...
Have fun

Friday, October 17, 2014

Thank you!


Dear Tree,
I love you.
You show me strength, beauty and vulnerability.
Thank you.
May I give thanks 
for those same gifts
in my own life,
and reflect them as vividly
as you do yours.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Dear Blossom

Photo:Christine M Kavanagh
You are so unique
and beautiful.
I do not know your name,
I have never seen you before!
Thank you for the joy 
you bring
in your very unique presence!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Notice the details...
Just take a few minutes
to notice the details...
the colors...textures...edges.
Our Creator
an exquisite artist!!!

What will it take for us  
to fall in love with Mother Earth again
and take the steps
necessary to protect Her?

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Unity in Diversity...

For me,
this photo speaks for itself,
in truly reflecting
the beauty
of diversity...
From vibrant bursts
to shadows
and reflections,
We are many
We are one!!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Opening our eyes....

Thank you to all 
who have opened their hearts
and lifted their voices
about the realities of war...
May we as a people
Thank you Jacob
showing us
"Soldier's Heart"
May you rest in peace..

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Just Enjoy.....

Take a minute
to just enjoy
the beauty
this wave!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Lets turn the tide....

As a Global Family
Let our Prayer
of fear and reprisal
to Love and Support
All of those dear and precious 
who risked their lives
in hope
That we would risk
opening our hearts
and offer
them Life
protection and safety

Thursday, July 24, 2014

I trust YOUR LOVE!!

With all the pain of this weeks news
I had to take a moment 
and  remind myself
that beauty does exist...
and that LOVE
has a bigger picture
that embraces 
all that is going on 
at this time.
I may not understand...
I trust Your Love!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014


This Bud caught my attention...
and then
 I saw Ant.
 Bud is plump with ripeness
and Ant seems to know it.
Is ant feeding 
or just exploring?
Ant's  fragile size does not deter her investigation!
Way to go, Ant!!
Now I'm not sure who I am more intrigued by
Ant or Bud!!
Both seem to be waiting..
 in readiness.
No Hurry
being with each other.
Does there have to be more
to the story?

Thank you
Bud and Ant
for the beauty and mystery 
of each of you.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Just how balanced is your life??

photo: Facebook
This adorable kitty 
is reminding us
the need 
for balance in our lives.
Kitty loves to give of herself
to others...
and Kitty loves
 to play
and eat...
Kitty also knows when to stop
and rest!
Help us humans 
dear Kitty 
to find that balance
in our own lives!!

Friday, June 27, 2014


How much love
these family members
with us!!
And notice...
they are each
sense of 
 welcomes and widens our capacity

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's up to us....!

My heart breaks
with so much pain
being experienced
in our World Family...
May the Light of LOVE
bring to all of us
and the willingness
to walk the path of peace
and non violence.
the Ones 
We've been waiting for!
Change we seek!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The message..

With the angle of this photo...
 Mother Earth
reminds us
of who She is at the core 
of her Being
Who We are
at the core
of our Being.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Imprints, known and unknown???

photo: FB
I love the way the soft golden light 
 the numerous imprints 
in the soft sand.
Who are the many Beings
that have left their mark?

And I ask myself...
Am I fully aware
of the many Beings
who have left their mark
on my own life?

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Close up....

Photo: FB
Slow motion impact of wave...
magnified by a golden sun
and soft blue and white sky!
What a close up!!

When we do "close ups" of ourselves
may we too see ourselves magnified
by the Golden Light of Love
abiding within us!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What is the magic within?

photo:DH photography
As I ponder these full rounded  buds,
I wonder...
Do they have any idea 
of what they hold within?
Or do they only know
in the moment to moment
unfolding to fullness?
I am in awe
of the magic they hold within
patiently waiting
 its time to come forth!
Truly magical beauty!!

And I wonder of ourselves...
just how much do we know
of the magical beauty
within us 
waiting to be born

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

It's time to say YES I AM!!!

I think Peacock has a gift and message
for us
if we are willing to hear it!!

The Gift 
and then,
let your light shine through
all that you do!
What  beautiful Human Beings WE ARE!! 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Bright Light of Love!!

May the Bright light 
of God's Love
fill you 
and flow from you 
each moment
every day!!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The gift of Community!!

photo: FB
I would love 
to sit
under this canopy
of beauty and love!!
Thank you Tree family
for your 
magnificent gift.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Tree's message of Oneness!!

Tell me your story, dear Tree.
Are these markings part of your heritage
or something more?
I see strength and beauty...
and I just realized something I should have
been aware of all along...
Every member of the Tree family
grows from a circle...
Your very Being 
reflects the circle of life
the circle of Oneness!
Thank you for reminding me
of this!
I love you.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The sacred writing of the Tree Family...

photo: Gina Liscotti
Thank you Gina for showing us 
so beautifully the sacred writing 
of our Tree Family.
It seems the love of 
runs in our family!!
It's amazing what we see
when we take the time
to really see!!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Spirit Lifter!!!

photo: FB

Thank you
 for your vibrant color
that lifts my spirits on a rainy day.
Thank you
for showing us the gift
of a community 
working together
so that all may flourish!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Gentle puffs of yellow delight...

photo: Beautiful Free Pictures
All I can think of when I look at you
is vibrant soft delicious balls of marshmallow!!
Your petals are numerous and so beautifully spaced
Ah yes.. "One tight knit family"!
Thank you for putting a smile on my face today!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

When the fire goes out...

Dear vibrant golden light
your beauty lifts my spirits,
and gives me hope
I want to fly with the freedom 
of your black winged adventurer
into an ever deepening
and intimate relationship
with Mother Earth,
I feel stuck!!
The fire within has died and needs to be 
yet I don't know how or what to do
for it to happen!!
Taking the time to share with you
feels burdensome
 rather than refreshing 
and exciting as it has been 
in the past!!

Golden Light of Love
renew me and refresh me
Open my eyes and my heart
to see and know once again
 the Awesome Wonder
Creativity, Diversity
of our Mother Earth and all Beings!!
Thank you...

Monday, May 5, 2014

Dear Mother...

We love you
and will raise our voices
and give our lives
on your 

Friday, April 11, 2014

A place of Calmness, Clarity and peace...

Thank you for your calmness
and your peace...
With these precious gifts
I am more able 
to arrive at Clarity
and step out of confusion.
Thank you!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Key elements for a journey....

photo: FB
I see a pathway marked with stones...
I see a heart shape in a stone...
and I see sunlight dancing on churned up dark water.
And what just came to my mind is...
"Key elements for a journey"
A path...
and Light.
  Although the journey seems long
It step at a time.....!

Friday, March 28, 2014

A flower gives hope...

Photo: FB The Four Winds Society
 I was feeling down 
with all of the pain 
of our World Family..
and then I found this photo
and it renewed my Spirit..
If flower can blossom 
in such a difficult space...
We as a family will 
blossom with the Peace, Justice and Love 
we all desire!!!
Thank you flower for your 
Gift of Hope today. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Quest.....!

photo: FB
You are one creative and agile squirrel!!!
You knew what you wanted
and you kept at it, till you got it!!
Give me the same persistence, creativity and agility
to pursue the goals of my own life..
and have fun at the same time!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

What Tree teaches me..

photo: FB
Dear Tree...You give so completely...
from your deep roots hugging Mother Earth
To every branch flowing outward
giving life and beauty.
As golden sun embraces you
I feel hope and renewed energy
Thank you. 
Teach me to give as generously as you do
without seeking anything in return.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Difference the Heart makes!!

When I listen with my heart and my head,
I find I resonate with more family members
than I could imagine....and I know...
We are ONE Family!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Their GIFTS to you...

May the peace and calm of sister water
be yours...
May the strength and endurance of brother/sister mountain and rock
be yours...
May the steadfast presence of sister/brother tree
be yours...
Together ...
Our Family members hold us
in their love.
each moment of each day.
Thank you.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The invisible...becomes visible...

photo: FB
 I had never seen a Female Red Cardinal 
until I saw this picture on Face Book!

Why are they so hidden, I wondered?
Is it their protective role as a Mother that keeps them from 
public view? 

Somehow, seeing this soft and vibrant presence 
was like a marker of change....
Women will be hidden no longer!!
The time is now...
The gifts and talents of all women
of all cultures and species,
will be recognized, affirmed, welcomed and celebrated.
So that...
through a partnership of Equals
our Global family will move 
and grow in the ways of
 Peace, Love and Sustainability.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Rings of Community...

The beauty of these winding circles 
and the pattern they create together
draws my attention.
I see 
in a beautiful form
the power of Community...
Each offers the gift of themselves
that the beauty 
of the whole
will be made visible!

Is this not what is asked
of each of us as well.
To offer the gift of ourselves
that the beauty of 
the whole
is made visible....
The wholeness of 
Without each one
there is no fullness!!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Each new Day...

Photo; FB.JacquieJanicki
Thank you Spirit of Life for each new day....
and the reminder that
"The new year (day) lies before you like a spotless tract of snow.
Be careful how you tread on it, for every mark will show!"

Sunday, January 5, 2014

One Water...or Many?

Assunta M. Riley: photo
For so long
I never gave any thought
to the many names
we as humans
have given
to identify our oceans, rivers, lakes and streams.
I used to think that each was separate and individual!
And now
I wonder if that is true?
Are the waters of the Pacific Ocean
one and the same
as the Atlantic Ocean?
Temperatures may change...
aren't our oceans truly one water?
I thought I knew...
and now I'm not so sure.
What do you think?

Friday, January 3, 2014

What if..... photo
This photo speaks to me
of two best buddies
enjoying each others
and warms my heart.
I am also challenged
by it..
because of a quote
that caught my attention
while doing some
morning reflection...
"What if we treated ourselves
as our Best Friend??"
What if........

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

You are missed....
In this New Year
may we
in the
 human family
take the time
 to see
Mother Earth.....
 come to know Her
as the
She Is!
Let Her heal you..
Calm you...
Refresh you...
Feed you...
Nurture you! 
you might ask??
Notice Her...
Be with Her...
Touch Her...
How long has it been
since you were
 enjoying the sun?
Counting the stars?
Listening to the sound of music?
making snow balls?
Your Mother
misses you....
Isn't it time to come home?